The following list of ongoing activities for EFCA is designed to help you and your students stay involved and connected. A list of on going events and activities that members can participate:
Evangel Family Christian Academy Facebook Page
EFCA now has an official Facebook page for EFCA member ONLY where you can see EFCA announcements, news and info of interest to home school families. Promotional items from various groups received in the EFCA office will be posted here rather than distributed by email so join and keep a watch for activities that may be of interest to your family. To join, just go to the page and click on the JOIN the group button. You request will be approved once it is confirmed that you are a current EFCA member.
Drama Club
The EFCA Drama Club is open to 4th – 12th graders and meets Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30pm – 8:00pm in the Kidtricity area of Evangel Church. No experience is necessary. A participation fee is charged to cover scripts and props. Each spring the club presents a full length play costumes and props. Drama club may be used by high school students to fulfill a half credit of fine arts elective for EFCA graduation. For more information please contact .
Yearbook Club
The EFCA yearbook is an extracurricular activity that consists of students who are interested in design, photography, communication, and team work to build a yearbook that reflects the school year. The yearbook club is for students who are in the 7th-12th grade. meetings are usually held at least once a month to collaborate on what is taking place between all the club members. It is during this meeting that each person who is assigned a special interest in the yearbook gives an update on where they are on designing their activity page. Our yearbook contains pages for each class membership, special pages dedicated to the seniors, activities and group functions, and pages for each sport that is offered through EFCA. There are also opportunities for each member to help sale ads for the yearbook as well as offering the books for sale at the end of the school year.
Anyone wishing to participate please reach out to us and we will fill you in on any additional questions you may have.
Field Trips
EFCA parents plan and take monthly field trips to various places in the River Region. All field trips are open to all grades at EFCA but some field trips are more age specific. We also welcome participation by families from other homeschool covers provided an EFCA activity membership is applied for and received (See Membership page for application). If you are interested in learning more about EFCA field trips, please contact , and she will add you to the email list. We also advertise field trips on the EFCA website and Facebook page.
Volunteers are always needed in the following areas:
- EFCA Office
- Head up class activities